Why There Might Be A Change At Goalkeeper In Club America Soon

Why There Might Be A Change At Goalkeeper In Club America Soon

Fans seem to be losing patience with Oscar Jimenez as the starting goalkeeper for Club America. At the same time it’s well known that many people in the organization would like to have Luis Angel Malagon starting for the team sooner rather than later. This push could see Oscar Jimenez’s time at the starter for Club America come to an end in the next few weeks. Fans on social media are already calling for his head. This could be a tough situation though. In a sense be careful what you wish for! 

@oscarfcofabela1 / Instagram

Has Oscar Jimenez Been Bad In His Tenure As The Starter? 

This is one of the interesting parts about this ordeal. It seems like fans have some type of vendetta against Jimenez because although he hasn’t been the team’s best player through these first few games it’s not like he’s been the worst player on the squad. For example in the last game against Puebla where the team tied 2-2 both goals can be attributed to poor defending on set pieces. The Puebla players are heading the ball right in front of him ahead of the penalty spot.

There’s an argument to be made that if there’s a problem with Club America it’s in that back line. Tano Ortiz has had a tough time finding a pair of center backs that he likes. He’d sat Araujo down on the bench due to poor play, and now he’s had to bring him back because the other options aren’t better. All things considered though it seems like Jimenez has been “ok”.  

@angel_malagonv / Intagram

Malagon May Be A Bit Of A Mystery

Luis Angel Malagon was once upon a time one of the most promising young Mexican goalkeepers. In fact, he was the starting goalkeeper for Mexico’s under 23 team that went on to win the bronze medal in the Olympics. He got hurt in the qualifying tournament though for the Olympics, and he hasn’t been the same since. His last few seasons at Necaxa don’t necessarily prove that he’d been an upgrade over Jimenez at this point in his career. 

That’s why we are saying that Club America fans should really be careful what they wish for. The grass is not always greener on the other side. Also, it’s hard to really picture what fans are expecting from the Club America goalkeeper. Regardless of who it might be. Ochoa went through a ton of criticism in his final days at the club. It could be argued that this criticism was justified. All things considered though, at this point the team doesn’t seem to have a clear-cut long term answer in goal.  

What We Learned About Club America & Cruz Azul From Last Night’s Game

If Jimenez Is Going To Be The Scapegoat Wait For The Perfect Time 

It’s looking like if the team doesn’t have a major uptick in their play within the next few weeks Jimenez is going to be used as the scapegoat. He probably won’t be the only one. We already talked about the Araujo situation, Tano Ortiz is looking for stability, and he’s having trouble finding it! So if there comes a point where it looks like the team is kind of stagnant, don’t be surprised if Ortiz decides to turn to Malagon to shake things up.

If the idea is to use Jimenez as a scapegoat though it would be a good idea to wait for the perfect time. Right now the team shouldn’t be in crisis mode and looking to change everything up. A couple more weeks of stale draws though, and there could be a change. As we mentioned though, be careful what you wish for. Malagon doesn’t seem to be a major upgrade over what Jimenez currently provides!