Why Luis Suárez To Cruz Azul Doesn’t Make Sense On Any Level

Why Luis Suárez To Cruz Azul Doesn’t Make Sense On Any Level

For Liga MX bringing a player like Luis Suárez could represent a massive commercial boost. Yes, Suarez has been playing in Uruguay for the last 6 months and that has taken him out of the world spotlight for a while. Yet, he’s one of the best center forwards of the last 10 to 15 years without question. Recently rumors have started swirling around his potential signing by Cruz Azul. 

Once again commercially speaking the move makes total sense. It could be an opportunity to get the Cruz Azul brand name out onto a global stage. At least in the glow of the news. At the end of the day the Cruz Azul football team is nothing but a major marketing machine for the cement brand of the same name. With all that in mind it would make perfect sense that the heads of the cement company that own the team would want to bring on a world renowned player. So why are we being the bad apples and saying that the move wouldn’t make sense at all? We’re talking about on the field. Also, the roster composition would seemingly be all messed up. Here are our reasons why. 

Gonzalo Carneiro of Cruz Azul celebrating a goal

Cruz Azul Already Has 4 Center Forwards On The Roster

The first reason why Luis Suarez to Cruz Azul wouldn’t make sense is because there are already plenty of center forwards on the roster. Currently, the team is looking to potentially get rid of Michael Estrada, and Ivan Morales. They haven’t had any luck doing so though. In the case of Estrada it does look like the team is ok with keeping him if they can’t find a better option. The issue for Cruz Azul may just be that Carneiro, and Estrada are actually both on loan. So technically, they could just play those loans out and look for Suarez in the summer if they wanted to. 

The Morales situation is certainly the worst of them all. The team wants to get rid of him at almost all costs. He’s got a ton of years left on his deal though, so he’s not about to give up the massive salary he’s owed. Also, the team brought in another forward, Augusto Lotti. So basically it’s a spot that Cruz Azul has covered. The problem with bringing Suarez in is that he could mess up the entire roster structure. Particularly since he’d likely command a large salary that could probably be invested in players at other spots that the team needs.   

Luis Suarez celebrating a goal for Nacional in his return to Uruguay

How Effective Can Suarez Be At This Stage In His Career In Liga MX? 

Let’s get one thing straight. We’re not necessarily saying that the current options that Cruz Azul has up front are better than Suarez out right. Liga MX though is traditionally much more difficult than it looks from the outside. Just ask Dani Alves who is the latest victim of Liga MX. For his part Suarez has shown signs of a steep decline going back to his Atlético Madrid days. The problem for Suarez is that he looks like it takes him too much effort to even walk. Sure, he could still trot out there and find goal scoring opportunities from time to time with Cruz Azul. Physically though, he just looks completely gone. It’s a shame really because we are talking about one of the best center forwards of his generation.  

A move to sign Suarez may be a good idea commercially speaking. As far as on the field it’s hard to think that Suarez will be a reliable fixture for the team. Just the commercial impact alone could make our initial argument invalid. In a sense though, what we’re saying is that we’d hate to see Suarez struggle in Liga MX like Dani Alves did!