What We Know About Memo Ochoa’s Contract Talks

What We Know About Memo Ochoa’s Contract Talks

Yesterday when we talked about the Diego Valdes situation with Club America we mentioned that he was not the only one that fans essentially wanted out of the club. Memo Ochoa was also highly criticized by the fans for his play in the Toluca series. Ochoa has always had a love/hate relationship with Club America fans. Is this most recent elimination the straw that broke the camel’s back? 

Today there are reports that contract talks between Ochoa’s camp, and Club America have seemingly stalled. This would make Ochoa’s departure virtually imminent. For his part though, Ochoa did the best thing that he could to help his case. He was at the Mexico National Team training facility since Monday. Even though he was not required to attend until this Wednesday. What does this have to do with the contract talks? It’s looking like the move was PR damage control. Club America, and the Mexico National Team are very closely tied. If Ochoa has a great World Cup the hope is that Club America can convince the fans to give him another go. 

Is Ochoa Done At Club America Or Not? 

Can Club America Roll Over Toluca Just Like They Did With Puebla?
@yosoy8a / Instagram

To say that he’s done at this point is probably an overreaction. As we’ve mentioned there are sources out there today that are coming out saying that in fact Ochoa has played his last game for Club America. It just doesn’t seem to add up though. The team, Televisa, and even the Mexican National Team went to great lengths to defend him from the comments that were made by broadcaster Christian Martinoli. Would they do that to just dump him after one bad game in which he was certainly embarrassed? 

As we mentioned the fans want him, and Valdes out, but ironically they are not the players that are being talked about as being on the chopping block. The latest news indicates that Club America will again do business with its long time partner Grupo Orlegi to bring on yet another Santos player to the squad. The player in question is Fernando Gorrearan, and the deal would include Pedro Aquino who would be sent to Atlas, the other Orlegi team. Gorrearan may even be brought on to help Valdes adapt to Club America’s play style.  

Back to Ochoa, so far there are not even rumors that Club America is out there shopping for a goalkeeper. That may be a tell sign that what they want is to smooth things out between Ochoa, and the fan base. The hope is that a good World Cup will do just that. 

Some of The Different Options That He’d Have Available To Him

Memo Ochoa for Mexico's National Team

What happens if things get so bad that Televisa has no choice, but to let him walk? There’s no question that Ochoa would have options. Particularly in the US market, but the problem is his longtime agent Jorge Berlanga has never been known for brokering the best deals for him! In the US he’d have to go to a team where there’s a big Mexican market. So most of the East Coast teams are out of the question. It would have to be one of the LA teams, maybe Chicago, but we don’t see that many options out there. What’s his relationship with Chicharito like by the way? That could be a factor as well!  

There were talks that Mexican manager Javier Aguirre wanted him at Mallorca. Ochoa, and his family were reportedly very happy living in Europe. We can’t count out a bottom feeder European team as a destination for Ochoa. Really the way that things are shaping up it seems like it’s more fan pressure than anything else. In reality Club America, and Televisa would love to get a deal done to keep Ochoa around. They are kind of waiting for fans to quiet down!