What Diego Costa’s Signing Means For Raul Jimenez, & His Future At Wolves

Wolves signed striker Diego Costa to sure up their attacking third this season. To be honest this would’ve been very bad news for Raul Jimenez if this signing happened a couple of years ago. At this point in time though, we’re not talking about prime Atlético Madrid Diego Costa. What are Wolves really trying to get done with this signing, and what does that mean for Raul Jimenez moving forward?

Why Diego Costa?

One of the issues that Wolves, and even the Mexican National Team has had with Raul Jimenez is availability. Ever since a dirty play by David Luiz (yeah we said it), fractured his skull, and caused him to miss considerable time he hasn’t found consistency on the pitch. That can be read as consistency scoring goals, and just being consistently available for games as well. He thankfully was able to recover from the gruesome injury, but since then other injuries have followed. The reason why Diego Costa was chosen is simple. He was without a club, so they could bring him on even outside the transfer window. The second reason is the fact that he’s a Jorge Mendes client.

This question can be interpreted in another manner. Why Diego Costa? He’s essentially a player coming back from retirement. He played 18 games in Brazil in league and cup competitions in 2021, and in 2022 he took part in a ton of foot volleyball matches in the beaches of Brazil. Yet, he’s got no pro action to speak of in 2022. What can Wolves really expect from Costa at this point in his career?

Raul Should Be Happy That It’s Diego & Not Another Striker

Wolves / Instagram

Diego Costa is probably not going to be arriving in England in the best shape of his life. That’s actually a good thing for Raul Jimenez. It’s not like he’s going to be pushed aside to force Diego into the starting lineup. If they had brought in another young striker to maybe compete for the role who, because of his youth could be more available that would be an issue for Raul. If they try and force Diego Costa to come from the Brazilian beach to a Premier League match too soon don’t be surprised if all sorts of muscle strains start to plague the Brazil born Spain international.

Wolves could likely have two players on the roster that they can’t rely on to be available on matchdays at the same position. Although they have other options on the squad the move just doesn’t seem to be the best short or long term answer at the number 9 spot for Wolves. Now, in an ideal world Raul could also be happy because the two could co-exist on the field. Costa has played upfront with the likes of Griezmann, Falcao, and others at Atletico. Who’s to say he can’t play with Jimenez, with both of them finding decent form.      

Raul Jimenez’s Future With The Team  

It’s no secrete that Raul Jimenez closer to the exit door than he is to the entrance door at Wolves. After the World Cup he may ask Jorge Mendes to get him a lucrative MLS deal to be able to enjoy his final playing days while making a ton of cash. The problem for Jimenez is that Mendes may not be as inclined to grant him that wish if they can’t find his replacement at Wolves. Diego Costa is by no means a long term answer for Wolves at the number 9 spot. Even though there’s that glimmer of hope that both guys or even just one of the two can turn back the clock and regain their top form it’s unlikely. Would Wolves allow Jimenez to walk after this year for a lucrative MLS deal, even if the team doesn’t have his replacement?