Was The Colombia Game Proof That Alexis Vega Needs To Start For Mexico?

Was The Colombia Game Proof That Alexis Vega Needs To Start For Mexico?

If Mexico would’ve left the field after the first 45 minutes of their game against Colombia the conversation around the team would be completely different. The team was clicking offensively, and Alexis Vega showed quite a few flashes of his immense talent. Of course, the second half started, and everything went down the drain. Since the Colombia team came back to win the game the pressure that had been somewhat reduced for Tata Martino heading into the World Cup ramped up once again. With Tecatito Corona being out there’s a spot open in the Mexico starting 11 did Alexis Vega do enough to fill it? 

The play of the game for Alexis Vega was without a doubt Mexico’s second goal of the match. He actually starts the play on the breakaway, but the play kind of stalls with Mexico keeping possession. Alexis ends up at the edge of the box where he calls for the ball only to let it go between his legs to land on the foot of Gerardo Arteaga who pushed it past Ospina. This was after Alexis had already converted a penalty kick for the first goal of the match. 

Martino Still Hopes Tecatito Corona Can Make The Team

Jesus Tecatito Corona playing for Mexico
@jesustecatitoc / Instagram

At this point it seems like the only way that Alexis Vega won’t start for Mexico is if Tecatito Corona gets back in time to play in the World Cup. Coach Gerardo Martino mentioned in multiple press conferences throughout the international break that he was still hoping Corona could make it back in time. In fact, he mentioned that Mexico National team doctors were going to be visiting with Tecatito in Seville in the next couple of weeks. 

Even the most optimistic timetable on Tecatito’s return seems to leave the World Cup out of the question. There’s an argument to be made that Corona is by far the most talented Mexican player in world football today. Yes, we’re putting him ahead of Chucky Lozano. Having said this though, even if he is your most talented player, how effective could he be in the tournament? Let’s say that by some miracle he gets medically cleared to play. It just doesn’t seem to be a good idea to field a player that hasn’t even been able to jog in months, and ask him to run a big chunk of your offense. Alexis Vega is not as talented as Tecatito, but all things considered his inclusion could bring positive things to the squad that even a healthy Corona may not be able to provide.     

Is Alexis Going To Play On The Wing Or As A Number 9?   

Alexis Vega header goal versus Jamaica

The number 9 spot for Mexico is a topic that won’t be put to bed until the ref blows the whistle to start the game against Poland. We’ve talked a lot about the different options that are out there Martino. Henry Martin didn’t prove to be the answer in the last international break. Raul Jimenez is hurt, and probably won’t make it back in time for the tournament. That leaves Funes Mori as the potential preferred option for Martino.

With how ineffective Santi Gimenez, and Henry Martin looked in both matchups, (Henry didn’t take part in offensive plays for Mexico even in the good first half against Colombia) Alexis Vega could very well be an option at that number 9 spot. He showed that he can play well in the middle of the attack. Literally the best play of the match against Colombia saw Vega let a ball go through his legs while he was playing in the middle of the attack. Don’t be surprised if no traditional number 9 fills Martino’s expectations, and that forces him to turn to Alexis.