Raul Jimenez Could Be On The Move With Matheus Cunha Signing For Wolves

Raul Jimenez Could Be On The Move With Matheus Cunha Signing For Wolves

Raul Jimenez’s career has never been the same since David Luiz decided to deliberately head butt the side of his head and knock him out cold while fracturing his skull in the process. He also didn’t help his case at all with new manager Julien Lopetegui over his instance in taking part in the World Cup with Mexico despite dealing with a tough medical condition that had sidelined him for months at Wolves.

The situation stands as follows: so far two Brazil born strikers have been added to the Wolves squad to try and save a team who are in real danger of getting relegated. Meanwhile, Raul Jimenez went to the World Cup against the club and the Mexican fans’ wishes. With the arrival of Matheus Cunha could this really be the end of Jimenez’s career at Wolves and perhaps in Europe? 

We Said The Same Thing When Diego Costa Arrived 

To be fair to Jimenez we thought that the writing was on the wall for him when Diego Costa arrived from the beaches of Brazil to join Wolves. Ultimately though, Costa hasn’t proven to be the answer for the team up front either. At least Raul had a decent showing in the Carabao Cup last week when he was able to score from the spot, and also participate in a play that led to another goal for the team.

Cunha had some moments at Atlético Madrid, but ultimately he always played second fiddle to Luis Suarez or Morata for that number 9 spot. It had literally been hours since he left Madrid when he decided to take a shot at Diego Simeone saying that it was impossible for a striker to flourish in his system. Perhaps he thought that subtle jab was a way to excuse his poor performances with the squad. Someone should Cunha know though that if he doesn’t do well at Wolves he has to go back to Atletico Madrid. If he thought he was in a hostile environment before it’s hard to picture him arriving back in Madrid to too much fanfare after those comments. Unless Simeone leaves the squad, which judging from how things are going so far this season seems to be entirely possible.   

How Much Can Raul Jimenez Contribute To Mexico’s Offense In Qatar?

How Much Can He Really Achieve At This Point?    

Raul Jimenez seems to be one of the rare breed of Mexican players that is still looking to be a part of top level competition instead of maybe chasing the money. We’re not here to criticize any decision. Perhaps Hector Herrera for example was unlucky. By the time that he started getting regular playing time at Atletico Madrid he already had said yes to the offer at Houston Dynamo. Ochoa and Guardado for their part seem content to lead a more quiet family life in Europe. Ochoa is certainly much more adventurous than the average Mexican footballer. That’s why they have chosen to take less money to remain or return to Europe like in Ochoa’s case. Raul seems to be more in line with them than he is with the likes of Javier Aquino, Diego Reyes or even Rodolfo Pizarro who took big money offers in Mexico and the MLS.   

Coming back to Raul, it may be time for him to make a money grab. Injuries have certainly derailed his career. It’s really a shame because at the peak of his powers he was one of the most interesting players to watch in the Premier League. David Luiz has done a lot more damage to Mexico than Messi, just saying in case they have to hate someone. It’s just hard to see Jimenez get back to what he was at this point. If he can get a good offer in the MLS it may be time.