Broadcaster Christian Martinoli Tv Azteca

Famed Mexican Sportscaster Christian Martinoli Blasts Memo Ochoa

Memo Ochoa is heading into his 5th World Cup with the Mexican National team, and he’s also looking to end the season lifting another trophy with Club America. He’s without a doubt one of the most recognizable Mexican players of all time. The debate over whether he’s actually an all-time great in terms of play on the field though seems to wage on. Recently famed Mexican sportscaster Christian Martinoli weighed in on Ochoa during an interview with his colleague Enrique Garay. Let’s just start by saying he stirred the pot a bit. 

Martionli claims that a former colleague of his at Azteca, now at ESPN Rafa Puente had criticized Ochoa for years. Saying that he was a goalkeeper who relied too much on his god given talent, but never really developed his game. He goes on to say that a former Club America goalkeeper coach revealed that Ochoa would outright refuse to train catching crosses. That’s one of the main reasons why he never got better at it. Then Martionli puts Ochoa’s entire career in question saying that the main reason he was never signed with “better” European teams throughout his career is because his deficiencies were evident for all to see. He mentioned, “out of 8 things that you need to be a great goalkeeper he does 4 real well, and doesn’t bother with the others”. 

Is There Merit To What Martinoli Is Saying? 

Another of the things that Martionli mentioned was that Memo Ochoa had been the most beaten keeper in both the French, and the Spanish leagues, which is a true statement. He also mentioned that Ochoa’s teams were relegated twice, that’s another true statement. What rubbed plenty of folks the wrong way was his comparison of Ochoa to the Martinique goalkeeper. Essentially saying that as a goalkeeper when you play on bad teams you’re able to showcase your talents because other squads get more shots on goal. 

Overall what Martinoli is saying about Ochoa’s game and his career isn’t necessarily un true. He was unable to secure a starting position at Malaga throughout his tenure with the club. It’s actually until rather recently that we’ve seen him a lot more comfortable with his feet. You still can’t expect him to come out and catch a cross on a corner. He’ll be standing between the sticks on most of those occasions. Maybe the way that Martionli said things is what people don’t necessarily like.  

Guillermo Ochoa America

The Biggest Problem For Mexico May Be That There’s No Replacement For Ochoa 

All things considered what may be an even bigger problem for Mexico is the fact that there is no replacement for Ochoa. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons why there was such outrage when it was revealed that Tata Martino was going to snub Carlos Acevedo from the World Cup roster. His presence provides at least a glimmer of hope to Mexican fans that there’s life in the Mexican goal after Ochoa. Although Memo has already said that he’d try his hardest to make it all the way to the next World Cup! 

Just a side note for all of the people that expect Carlos Acevedo to be the knight in shining armor that’s going to save Mexico after Ochoa retires. They seem to be mirror images of each other. Carlos Acevedo is just as talented as the first day that he played for Santos. The problem is he also still has the same deficiencies as he did that day. Some of his deficiencies are the same as Ochoa’s. He can’t catch a ball cleanly, and he doesn’t come out for corners. Between the sticks he’s great, but the rest of what it takes to be a truly all-time great goalkeeper just isn’t there. Is Martinoli spitting the truth or is what he’s saying disrespectful to Ochoa’s career?