Dani Alves Facing Sexual Misconduct Allegations After Incident In Barcelona Night Club

Dani Alves is in a tough situation after being accused of sexual misconduct by a woman whom Alves presumably came into contact with in his most recent trip to Barcelona. Alves spent the last few days of 2022 in his former home. He decided to go out to a local night club on the night of December 30th. This is when the woman who is now accusing him of this act said the events had taken place. 

The details surrounding the alleged victim’s testimony are murky at best at this point. With certain outlets claiming that the woman had alleged first that Alves had had a non-consensual sexual encounter with her. The allegations though have since been changed to inappropriate touching by Alves. Currently, the Barcelona police are investigating the situation, and the alleged victim is looking to add evidence against Alves to strengthen her case.  

Dani Alves Is Currently In Mexico

As far as we know Dani Alves has returned to Mexico and had his sights set on playing another season with Pumas. Naturally, with this situation looming over his head his availability for next season has come into question. So far though neither Alves nor the team has made any public statement regarding the situation. Media outlets in Barcelona have explained, according to their understanding, how a legal case against Alves could play out. 

Dani Alves Could Remain In Mexico At Least At The Begging Of The Ordeal

What local media in Barcelona are saying is that as the investigation develops Dani Alves could remain in Mexico even if he’s required to tell his version of the events to Barcelona police. He could appear essentially via zoom in a hearing for his case that’s set to take place in Barcelona. Currently though, it’s not known whether the case against Alves will reach that point. As previously stated there’s an ongoing investigation into the incident where it’s alleged that authorities are looking for proof against Dani Alves

If things do escalate it’s expected that Alves would have to appear in person. The problem is, Alves would probably love to go through the legal process anywhere but in Barcelona. At this time there has not been a warrant issued for his arrest. It’s highly probable though that if he were in the area one could be issued, and he would have to deal with the process behind bars. Something that Dani or anybody in his position for that matter would probably like to avoid.  

Pumas team photo

Where Does This Leave Pumas & Liga MX?

At the time of writing this article there had been no official statement from either Pumas or Liga MX regarding the Dani Alves situation. There is an ethics code within Liga MX that anyone involved with the league including coaches, players and staff should abide by. It’s pretty clear that this type of situation would go against the ethics code. The reality is that the code is rather vague. It does stipulate the types of punishments that anyone involved in the league who violates the code could face. These punishments range from a warning all the way to a permanent ban from Liga MX. 

When we mean that the ethics code is vague we are referring to the fact that it’s not set in writing what type of punishment can be applied to someone in Dani Alves’ current predicament. Instead, all punishments have to come down from the ethics committee. This is a group of Liga MX higher ups that literally get in a room and decide what each person deserves to be punished with if it’s found out that they violated the code. Again, as of the time of writing the league and Pumas have remained silent on the matter.