Cruz Azul Wants Falcao, But Things Could Backfire Quickly

Cruz Azul Wants Falcao, But Things Could Backfire Quickly

Since it was announced that Cruz Azul was looking to bring on Luis Suarez two things became evidently clear. The front office was looking for another center forward. Making it public knowledge that they were not comfortable with their current situation. They have 3 pure center forwards on the roster! Also, it’s evident that Cruz Azul wants to make a splash signing a big name. Even if their contribution to the team may not be up to par with their previous career. 

The reason why Cruz Azul seems to want to make such a big signing is to generate some sense of credibility for the current board. There are major issues within the cement company that runs the team. Since Cruz Azul broke its championship drought there’s essentially been nothing but negative press around the team. Something that the current group in power wants to change. It can all start with the signing of a big name. Right now it seems clear that Cruz Azul are all in on Radamel Falcao who currently plays for Rayo Vallecano. 

negoations between Cruz Azul and Rayo Vallecano for Radamel Falcao are complete
@falcao/ Instagram

The Current Status Of The Falcao Negotiations

The last we heard from the Falcao negotiations everything was set between Cruz Azul and Rayo Vallecano. It essentially came down to whether or not Falcao was willing to relocate to Mexico. Let’s backtrack a bit in Falcao’s career to figure out why he ended up at Rayo Vallecano in the first place. For one, he’s 35 and in the tail end of his career. His services were no longer needed in the Turkish Super League or at Monaco. So he jumped at the chance to go to Rayo Vallecano because he wanted to live in Madrid. That’s the reality of the situation for the Falcao’s. 

Radamel’s wife is from Argentina they met when he starred for River Plate so they don’t necessarily have ties to one single country. However, looking back on Falcao’s career there’s no question that his best time as a professional was spent in the Spanish capital playing for Atlético Madrid. With that in mind, it wouldn’t be odd to think that the family hopes to establish themselves in Spain even after Falcao’s playing days. Would moving to Mexico City for a year make sense for the family? There’s no way to really know what they are thinking, but that seems to be the question that’s being pondered in the Garcia household. By the way, for those not in the know Falcao’s last name is Garcia, Falcao is actually his middle name.      

Cruz Azul team photo Clausura 2023

Why Failure Is Likely & Could Spell Disaster For Cruz Azul

Time is not on Cruz Azul’s side, and the Garcia’s are taking plenty of it to make the decision on whether to move to Mexico or not. It’s certainly their right to do so. Especially if the club has made it perfectly clear that they want the Colombian on their team. This is a big problem for Cruz Azul though because there are only about 10 days left in the transfer window. Enner Valencia was another player that they looked at, but that seems to have fallen through. He’s currently a key contributor in Turkey, and that certainly makes things more difficult. 

If Falcao says no to Cruz Azul, who could they realistically sign? They would have to close negotiations on that deal in a matter of days regardless of who they get. With that in mind it’s more likely that the 4th option that Cruz Azul could look at would come from within Liga MX. The problem is, Tigres took Ibañez off the market, and there aren’t too many decent number nines within the local market. It’s Falcao or bust for Cruz Azul!