Corona or Jurado? - Could Cruz Azul Make Another Goalkeeper Change?

Corona or Jurado? – Could Cruz Azul Make Another Goalkeeper Change?

For 10 games the Cruz Azul goal was guarded by young up-and-coming goalkeeper Sebastian Jurado. The Veracruz native had his ups and downs as the first team starter that included incredible mishaps like the second goal that he conceded to Tigres in the first game of the season. There were also multiple instances where fans argue he could’ve done a bit more. Everything came crashing down for Jurado though when he conceded 7 goals to Club America in a historic loss for Cruz Azul. 

The loss got manager Diego Aguirre sacked, and that sparked the beginning of a new era in Cruz Azul with Raul Gutierrez, as the interim head man. With the arrival of Gutierrez came the return of team captain Jesus Corona, who had been sidelined with an injury since the team made a trip to Canada in the Concacaf Champions League late last season. Corona was decent in the Queretaro game, a bit rusty, but his performance didn’t affect the final score. 

Against Juarez FC though, he exhibited terrible judgment as he tried to cut an incoming cross, but ultimately judged it wrong, and punched nothing but air, leaving the net empty for the first Juarez goal of the night. After the last game against Monterey he’s been taking a lot of blame on social media, particularly for the second goal of the game. The ball comes off Ramiro Funes Mori’s mid-section, and the rusty Corona showed that he’s in his 40s, he just couldn’t find a way to come back to the ball. The question is who should start in goal for Cruz Azul?

Is It Really Their Fault Or Is The Defense The True Problem?  

Sebastian Jurado

There are certain goals that both of them have conceded that can’t be blamed on the defense. The goal that Corona gave up against Juarez is the perfect example. Even though “Cata” Dominguez didn’t help him one bit on the play it’s his misjudgment of the cross that allows the Juarez striker to head the ball into an empty net. Jurado saw a strike against Tigres literally slip between his hands. So it’s clear that both of them have plays that they would like to have back. 

What’s also clear is that Cruz Azul’s back line hasn’t looked solid with either of them between the sticks. Funes Mori has had real bad luck with deflecting balls towards goal. Peruvian Luis Abraham has lost balls on errant passes when trying to build the attack from the back. When it comes to Dominguez, just a quick Twitter search for the term Cata Domiguez will provide a litany of instances where fans believe he could’ve done at least a little more to help the cause. It’s safe to say that Cruz Azul’s issues in the back can be blamed on both defensive and goalkeeper errors.             

Who’s Currently The Best Option?

Jesus Corona playing for Cruz Azul u-20

We’ve established that neither of the two are in the best shape of their careers. The America game though left an indelible scar on Sebastian Jurado. With him getting pulled for Corona in the next game it was essentially established that the loss was largely his fault (Regardless of whether that assessment is fair or not). With Jurado’s confidence and reputation in shambles, thanks to both the team and his own doing you have to ride with Corona. 

If Jesus is able to find some sense of form he’s still pound for pound a much better goalkeeper than Jurado. He’s shown his age and the rust in his last few outings. At this point though, with the season going the way that it has gone it doesn’t make a lot of sense to trot Jurado out there again to finish off his confidence, and reputation.