Cancel Culture Has Reached US Soccer - The Gregg Berhalter Accusations

Cancel Culture Has Reached US Soccer – The Gregg Berhalter Accusations

This is perhaps one of the wildest stories that have ever taken place in the history of US men’s soccer. We want to clarify that we’re just referring to men’s soccer because the current issues going on in women’s soccer in the US are perhaps even worse than what’s being alleged about Gregg Berhalter.

For those not aware of what’s going on in recent days, it was revealed that someone had called US soccer to try and get them to investigate a domestic violence abuse that took place between Gregg Berhalter and his wife. Allegedly the current USMNT coach had gotten into an argument with his wife and proceeded to kick her multiple times. This was an accident that was said to have taken place over 30 years ago. Berhalter essentially admitted that an incident had taken place. He would go on to say though that anyone who was willing to dig up something that had happened so long ago was trying to end him. 

Cancel Culture Has Reached US Soccer - The Gregg Berhalter Accusations
@usmnt / Instagram

The Plot Twist

Up until last night that’s all we had, and we were getting ready to comment on how toxic cancel culture, that has dominated the US for a couple of years, had finally reached US soccer. In the latest updates provided by the Athletic though it was revealed that Gio Reyna’s mom was actually the person who went to US Soccer to blow the whistle on Gregg Berhalter and his domestic abuse incident! 

Danielle Reyna, Gio’s mom, was a teammate of Rosalind Berhalter at the women’s UNC soccer team back when both of them were in college. That’s the reason why she was aware of what had taken place between Berhalter and his wife back in their college years. Danielle would go on to admit that the reason she blew the whistle on Berhalter was because she was not ok with what he was saying about his son.  

The Feud Between The Berhalter’s and The Reyna’s Is Real

As we mentioned with the information that we had last night we were going to talk about how US soccer should potentially handle the situation. If they decided to keep Gregg Berhalter there’s a good chance that they would be facing plenty of criticism in the court of public opinion. Particularly with all that’s going on in the women’s side of things at US soccer. With that in mind it seemed hard to picture Berhalter keeping his job for much longer. 

Now that this has come to light is Gio Reyna going to be the one getting the ax from the national team? It was already rumored that Berhalter had held a player’s vote to determine whether they wanted Gio Reyna on the team or not. Even though Berhalter denied the story there was always this sense amongst the media and the fans that there was something personal between Berhalter and Reyna. Now that this has come to light it seems that’s actually an issue between the Berhalter’s and the Reyna’s. Not just the two-man feud that we knew about.  

Should US Soccer Just Blow It Up? 

At this point the situation has gotten extremely toxic. It’s evident that US soccer would like to continue working with Berhalter as the USMNT’s head coach. In light of what happened though it may be ideal to remove both Reyna, and Berhalter from the equation and start fresh. This is supposed to be the USA’s golden generation. While they’ve beaten Mexico multiple times as of late that’s really all they have to hang their hat on. They were third in the qualifiers behind Mexico and Canada, and the World Cup performance was nothing special. The healthiest thing for US soccer at this point may be to remove both the Berhalter’s and the Reyna’s from the equation and start over.