Brighton’s Caicedo Requests Transfer – Chelsea or Arsenal?

Caicedo Transfer

It was revealed on Friday morning that Arsenal placed a £60m bid on the talented Ecuadorian midfielder, who has been a target for plenty of clubs this winter transfer window. Arsenal’s rival Chelsea also placed a bid on the player earlier this month for £55m which was rejected by Brighton, insisting the player was not going to be sold on this transfer window.

Public Transfer Request

After Arsenal’s bid was announced, Moises Caicedo made an usual move during the day, he made an official statement via his social media in which he requested for the transfer, as he wants to take the opportunity to play for a bigger club as soon as possible.

The midfielder will not train with the Seagulls today, and is expecting an answer from his club, which he believes will make a very good income in the transfer, which they can use to ‘invest’ in the team, who is having a good season and wants to make an appearance on Europa or Conference League next season.

Arsenal Or Chelsea

The two London clubs will go head-to-head once again for a player, having battled for Mudryk on this transfer window already, but it seems as if the ‘Gunners’ hold the upper hand, as they have made a better offer, and Caicedo is believed to prefer a move to North London.

Another decisive factor may be that Brighton and Chelsea will be direct rivals for European Football, so the Seagulls don’t want to strengthen a direct opponent, by accepting the ‘Blues’ offer.

The weekend is going to be crucial as a final decision needs to be made before the transfer window closes next week.